Map of Local Sales Tax Rates in the United States

Sales taxes in the United States are administered on a state level in all but the five states with no state sales tax, as well as locally (by counties and cities) in the 37 states that allow municipal governments to collect their own local option sales taxes. This means that sales taxes can be quite complicated, and a simple map of state sales tax rates doesn't cut it as a method of visualizing what tax rates actually look like across the country.

In this interactive sales tax map, SalesTaxHandbook has visualized local sales tax rates across the United States by coloring each of the nation's 3,000+ counties from green to red based on the highest sales tax rate (inclusive of state, county, and local taxes) that occurs within that county. You can analyze our source data with the sortable table of sales tax rates below the map.

SalesTaxHandbook Sales Tax Rate Map 2025

No sales tax (see list of states)  
Lowest sales tax  
Highest sales tax (see list of cities)

As you can see on the map above, states in the southern and western portions of the United States tend to have higher sales taxes, which reflects their higher reliance on sales taxes as sources of state and local government tax revenue. In states with lower sales tax rates, state income and property taxes likely make up the bulk of state tax revenues.

Are you interested in citing this map or getting additional information about a particular locality's sales tax? Click any county on the map above for local rates, or click any state in the table below for a full listing of local rates in that state.

Of course, you can always contact us if you want data or a quote for local media stories. The source data powering this map is updated monthly, and is current as of February 2025.

Sales Tax Rates Database: Need an updated list of local sales tax rates for your business? Download our sales tax database!

State Name State Sales Tax Average Local Sales Tax # Local Tax Districts Total Sales Tax
Alabama 4% 5.125% 372 9.125%
Alaska N/A 1.836% 152 1.84%
Arizona 5.6% 2.524% 98 8.123%
Arkansas 6.5% 2.655% 410 9.155%
California 6% 2.686% 467 8.712%
Colorado 2.9% 4.213% 276 7.107%
Connecticut 6.35% N/A 1 6.35%
Delaware N/A N/A 11 N/A
District of Columbia 6% N/A 0 6%
Florida 6% 0.998% 367 6.998%
Georgia 4% 3.753% 473 7.751%
Hawaii 4% 0.5% 4 4.5%
Idaho 6% 0.081% 117 6.087%
Illinois 6.25% 1.964% 514 8.212%
Indiana 7% N/A 278 7%
Iowa 6% 0.989% 836 6.988%
Kansas 6.5% 2.082% 533 8.582%
Kentucky 6% 0.006% 211 6.006%
Louisiana 5% 5.144% 273 10.147%
Maine 5.5% N/A 1 5.5%
Maryland 6% N/A 44 6%
Massachusetts 6.25% N/A 229 6.25%
Michigan 6% N/A 176 6%
Minnesota 6.875% 0.839% 295 7.714%
Mississippi 7% 0.063% 137 7.063%
Missouri 4.225% 3.843% 752 8.069%
Montana N/A N/A 68 N/A
Nebraska 5.5% 0.849% 345 6.349%
Nevada 4.6% 3.359% 32 7.959%
New Hampshire N/A N/A 1 N/A
New Jersey 6.625% 0.003% 312 6.628%
New Mexico 4.875% 2.376% 141 7.25%
New York 4% 4.25% 644 8.252%
North Carolina 4.75% 2.222% 460 6.972%
North Dakota 5% 1.016% 214 6.016%
Ohio 5.75% 1.5% 577 7.25%
Oklahoma 4.5% 4.311% 476 8.811%
Oregon N/A N/A 63 N/A
Pennsylvania 6% 0.166% 68 6.166%
Puerto Rico 10.5% 1% 73 11.5%
Rhode Island 7% N/A 28 7%
South Carolina 6% 1.696% 118 7.698%
South Dakota 4.2% 1.8% 289 6%
Tennessee 7% 2.649% 310 9.618%
Texas 6.25% 1.712% 966 7.962%
Utah 4.85% 2.301% 147 7.163%
Vermont 6% 0.231% 156 6.231%
Virginia 4.3% 1.333% 270 5.633%
Washington 6.5% 2.442% 178 8.942%
West Virginia 6% 0.231% 150 6.231%
Wisconsin 5% 0.605% 96 5.605%
Wyoming 4% 1.518% 106 5.518%

** This Document Provided By SalesTaxHandbook **