Maine: Medical Marijuana Handbook


Maine Marijuana Tax Rate

Sales Tax Medical Excise Tax Medical Max Medical Tax Sales Tax Recreational Excise Tax Recreational Max Recreational Tax
5.50% N/A 5.50% 10.00% N/A 10.00%

2025 Maine Medical Marijuana Handbook

Maine has 1 bordering state consisting of New Hampshire,

Medical marijuana is legal in New Hampshire , but there is no cannabis sales tax on it. There is no cannabis excise tax charged on medical marijuana in New Hampshire.

Medical Marijuana is illegal in so there is no tax on medical marijuana in those states.

About Maine Medical Marijuana

Is medical marijuana legal in Maine?

Yes, medical marijuana is legal in Maine

When and how did Maine legalize marijuana for medical use?

Maine legalized medical marijuana in 1999. This law was passed using Senate Bill 611 . The official name for this law is the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act (Statute title 22 subtitle 2 Part 5 Chapter 558-C)

Maine Medical Marijuana possession limits


  • 2.5 oz, up to 8 pounds of harvested marijuana


  • 6 mature plants, 12 immature, unlimited seedlings

Is it legal to grow marijuana for medicinal use at home in Maine?

Yes, medical marijuana patients are allowed to grow marijuana for medicinal use.

Are there medical dispensaries available to patients?

Yes, as long as the patient presents the appropriate documentation for Maine.

Is there a list of specific conditions for medical marijuana in Maine?

If a physician's professional opinion is that the patient will receive relief, or that their medical condition may improve from the use of medical marijuana, they must provide the patient with written certification.

The list above, and more detailed information on it, can be found in the Maine medical marijuana law

Does Maine have a medical registry system or ID card?

Yes, Maine keeps track of their medical marijuna patients.

Registration is voluntary for qualifying patients.

Does Maine recognize patients from other states?

Yes, Maine recognizes medical marijuana patients from other states.

Maine recognizes state-issued registry ID cards from the District of Columbia and the following 28 states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington. - visiting qualifying patients may not cultivate marijuana, possess more than 2.5 ounces of harvested marijuana in a 15-day period, or transfer or give harvested marijuana to someone else.

Are there any age restrictions for medical marijuana in Maine?

Maine requires that a physician wanting to prescribe medical marijuana to a minor first reach out to another qualified professional to get a second opinion.

If the second physician does not reply within 10 days, then the first physician may prescribe the use of medical marijuana only if it is their professional opinion that the patient will benefit, or receive relief from it.

  • For registrations for minors under the age of 18, the parent or guardian must consent in writing to the minor's medical use of marijuana, to serve as the minor's caregiver, and to control the acquisition, harvesting, and use of medical marijuana by the minor.

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